Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Resisting temptation

I know it's bad to complain about too much of a good thing, but look at what I have to deal with at work! After lunch, they put out all the left-over desserts in the kitchen in my area. Check out today's very large array:

How am I supposed to protect my waistline from this onslaught of deliciousness?

Dieter? Hans?

So, I went to Germany last week to visit a certain someone. Unfortunately, I was too busy being lazy to really take any pictures, although I did snap a couple in Amsterdam while we were there. Click on the "My Photos" link to the right if you're interested.

What can I say - it rains a lot in Germany, the cars are small, and the land is generally pretty flat. There may have been some romance going on. I would tell you more, but really it's none of your damn beeswax, is it?

The tomatoes are attacking

This is what I came home to after only being gone for one week! I've never seen a tomato plant this large in my life. And believe me, I've seen a lot of tomato plants in my day.

They're taller than me! What the hell kind of crazy radioactive soil do I have in my backyard that is making this happen?!

(Oh, and apologies for the outfit - I was in my workout clothes...)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tomatoes of unusual size

Is this normal? I planted these two tomato plants about a month ago and they are now freakishly large. I went outside to water them yesterday and was shocked and awed by how large they have become. I had to take a picture for posterity, with myself as a height comparison. These babies come up to my waist!

Our neighbor planted the same tomato seedlings in her front yard, and hers barely come up to my knee. Perhaps the soil in my backyard is extra nutritious from all the bamboo roots that are left over from the bamboo debacle? Perhaps it is my mad watering skills? In any case, I will probably be having tomato parties later in the summer to get rid of the bounty that these plants are sure to put forth. That is, if they don't take over our whole house, jumanji style, first.