Monday, March 02, 2009

Sunburned in SoCal - in February

Ok, so technically it was March 1st when I actually got sunburned, but it was 85 degrees the previous day (Feb 28th), and it's only because February has less days that it was already March on the day that I got sunburned. Point being that it was really friggin' hot in LA this weekend, and I wasn't prepared because it has been raining nonstop in San Francisco, so I brought 2 rain jackets but no shorts or sunblock or other silly things that you're not supposed to need in February. Which resulted in me having to buy non-winter clothes and then getting sunburned due to the resulting exposed skin. Oh the irony!

But actually it was worth it.

Because who wouldn't want to leave the non-stop raininess of SF for a few days and bask in the glorious sun? Even if you have to pay for summer clothes and then get a sunburn and then have to come back to SF where it is still raining non-stop.

Sunshine in Santa Barbara? Check.

Really freakin' hot in the Hollywood Hills? Check.

Um, isn't it supposed to be raining? It's February.

Oh, and by the way, we ate some good food too. Courtesy of Craft restaurant. 

You will be mine, little s'mores...

These mushrooms changed me from a hater to a lover. Of mushrooms. 

What can I say? Eating makes us happy. 

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