Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Lovin the veggie garden in front of city hall.

As a part of Slow Food Nation (a festival celebrating sustainable farming and food sourcing), a veggie garden was planted in front of the San Francisco city hall. The idea is to show that there is really a lot of space within cities and towns - in the form of lawns - that could be used to produce food. I have to admit that I find the veggie garden a lot more interesting than the lawn that used to be in front of city hall. And I've always thought that all the front lawns in America are a waste of space and water. No one even uses them! They are just there to distance your house from the street. Anyway, I don't know if planting veggie gardens all over the place is the answer, but it's certainly interesting, and I enjoyed seeing the plants in front of city hall. 


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