Thursday, June 04, 2009

Baguette boycott?

At the risk of sounding like a total asshole, and possibly being deported for heresy, I have to say it:

I'm so sick of baguettes.

I know, right? I sound like a total douchebag. Plus, I never thought it would be possible. But it has happened. I am seriously pining for a taco right now, or a veggie sandwich on -gasp!- wheat bread. There just aren't that many options for a quick lunch here in Paris. You've basically got your crepes or your baguette sandwich. Unfortunately, when you buy one of these baguettes-to-go, the baguette part of the sandwich is usually of pretty average quality, and let's just say that the French seem to prefer restraint when it comes to the toppings. And by that I mean like two slices of ham and cheese, or three slices of salami and a chopped up cornichon. It's more like a faint sprinkling of toppings - a slight hint of sandwichy flavors.

I'm sure this lack of mountainous toppings and sauces is part of the reason why the French are so slim, but even though I tell myself that, I still find myself wishing for maybe just a second layer of salami and or a handful of veggies? Oh well, as the French say, "c'est comme ca", which roughly translates into "that's just the way is". So I guess I'll quit complaining and eat my salami-scented baguette sandwich, since I'm sure that in a few weeks, when I'm back home, I'll be reminiscing about eating Parisien baguettes on the banks of the Seine.

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