Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I gotta have more accordion!

Why does no one play the accordion in the US?

I know it looks kinda dorky, and by extension you could risk looking dorky by playing it, but if you close your eyes and just listen, it is really sort of miraculous.

I propose that the accordion become the official instrument of hipsters everywhere. It should be lovingly adopted by them, and thus spread throughout the cool neighborhoods of the world, just like fixie bikes. It's a win-win situation: hipsters get to claim a strange new hobby, and I get to hear awesome accordion music.

Who's with me?

1 comment:

Ed said...

Hear, hear.

Start lindy hopping (swing dancing) and you'll find quite a few bands who play with an accordian:

P.S. Not sure how I found your blog, but thanks for writing it!