Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Confessions from Europe

I've been back in the US for a few weeks now, but I never got around to posting any sort of recap of my trip to Europe. So I thought I'd share a few confessions/revelations/photos to summarize the time I spent there:
  1. What is it about Berlin that turns me into an all-night-party fiend? I hung out in smoky bars and danced to cheesy euro-pop music till the sun came up. Ah Berlin, I' hab Di' Lieb.

  2. In Paris, a city where food is celebrated and revered, I broke down and went to McDonalds. Is it just me or is the burger at French Mickey D's waaaay better than in the US? Especially when paired with a nice cold orange Fanta. Mmmm. Don't worry, I also ate some good food:

  3. I am convinced that the French stay skinny by smoking instead of eating. Just sayin'.
  4. I missed the fresh air of the City by the Bay.
  5. I did NOT miss seeing people walking around with those stupid bluetooth headsets stuck to the side of their head.
  6. I thought NY might be the one city that's cooler than SF, but now I'm not so sure. Although they are better at appreciating pickles:

  7. It's easier to gain the croissant weight than it is to burn it back off :( I am now eating salad and quinoa and repenting my daily pastry indulgences.

Ok, maybe this doesn't quite do justice to my 5 weeks in Europe, but it's pretty close. Now on to the next challenge: time to find a job!

1 comment:

FinnyKnits said...

Look at those pickles! Who knew?