Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sam's Anchor Cafe, a.k.a. "If you didn't get enough of the Greek scene back in college"

Ah, Tiburon. Great views. Ocean breezes. A great little escape from the city. But, damn! I forgot how fratty Sam's gets on weekends. It's like everyone who was ever a part of the Greek system converges on this one place whenever the sun comes out. While it's always entertaining to play games like "spot the thong", and "why's that guy not wearing a trucker hat", even these can get old after a while. And you definitely don't go to Sam's for the food, so don't get your hopes up. But hey, it's a great spot to enjoy the sun with a beer and some fries. But just don't count on seeing me there more than once every 6 months. That's about all I can handle.

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